Methods of Getting Your Own Business Noticed

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If you are starting up your own business, there are many things to consider. You will need to be able
to provide goods or services that people actually want and are willing to pay for. Then you will need to raise the money for the start-up by accessing your savings or borrowing; if yours is to be a home business, you should be able to save on rent for additional premises. However, before finally exposing your business and brand to the market, there is still one very important aspect to consider: how you are going to get your business noticed.Methods2Bof2Bgetting2Byour2Bown

You can have the best brand, products, or services on the market, but unless the public – especially your target market – know you are there, the business will not last long. You must be prepared to advertise, and there are various ways to do it. Of course, you will need to identify your target market; will it be local, national, or will you also be selling abroad? Having done that, you will need to carefully plan your adverting strategy.

One of the ways for getting your business noticed is by word of worth; you tell friends, acquaintances, and work colleagues, and they tell others. The only problem with this method is that it will severely limit your exposure and only stretch within a particular neighborhood within a particular city. You need to discover ways to reach out to a bigger potential market. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, there are other ways to create much bigger exposure for your business.
The internet has revolutionized the way businesses promote their brands and advertise their goods and services. Large companies advertise their products using the internet, and this method is just as useful for home businesses and start-ups.
Many businesses, big and small, have their own website. This is an excellent way to promote a business as most people nowadays have access to the internet. It can also be used to sell products as well as publish customer reviews. Having your own website can benefit your business immensely, as it helps get it noticed by a much wider audience.
The main problem with having a business website, especially within the early days of operation, is the cost. To do things properly, you should have your own custom-built website. This can be very expensive; however, there is a cheaper – in fact, free – alternative available: social media.
Social media is massive, with millions upon millions using it across the planet both day and night. Many people nowadays have a smartphone or tablet, which means they can surf the internet while on the move, and much of the time they are using social media. You can use the likes of Facebook to promote your brand, posting beautiful pictures and well-written copy about your products. You will also be able to receive customer comments, but be prepared for the odd critical one. Facebook isn’t the only social media you can use; there are also other ones such as Instagram. Check around and see how they can best serve your purpose. Even when you are able to afford your own website, you can still maintain your social media presence as it will further enhance the promotion of your business.
The internet can also help you promote your business in more traditional ways. Remember the flier, the printed sheet advertising businesses that is handed out on the street or delivered door to door? They are an ideal way to promote your enterprise if your customer base is local, but they can be expensive to have printed. The good news is that there is a DIY solution available online. By going on the internet and finding a flyers maker, you will be able to download and print off your own flier at only a fraction of the cost.

There are, of course, other ways to get your business noticed. If your business is targeting a local market, you can always advertise in local newspapers, magazines, or trade publications. There are also radio and TV commercials. All these methods of promoting your business are costly, and will be especially so if you intend to advertise beyond your city. They could well be worth considering as your enterprise grows and there is more cash available for advertising.
When you start up your own business, it is essential you know the market you intend to sell to. By doing that, you will be noticed by the right people, and hopefully, they will become regular customers. That is why you need to plan your marketing strategy accordingly to get your business noticed.


  1. As for our business, we post ads on free selling sites and created an FB page to make our business exist online. It does help =)

  2. This is a good read. Very informative. I agree with how social media can impact your business. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Much as I agree that having a strong presence on social media creates a powerful impact for your brand or business, I wouldn't say it is an alternative to having a website. Rather, I would say that we should be leveraging social media to bring people to our websites. Sure, hiring a pro to build your site can cost you, but I believe that it worth the investment and still the better option to DIY. Think of it as your virtual office in the virtual industry. πŸ™‚

    I agree, though, that we must actively promote and advertise. As Ted Turner says, Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Work like hell and advertise! πŸ˜‰

  4. Thank you for these tips! I agree that one of the best ways to get your business out there is through social networking talaga. Facebook works lol!

  5. Knowing and identifying your market is essential as so is the passion to make the business prosper. Your list is definitely helpful esp for starters.

  6. Great tips! I can relate to this, I have an online clothing business for little girls and unfortunately right now, we're kind of in a "hiatus" because of budget problems. I wasn't able to manage the money well. And also, it is kind of a struggle to spread the word. All I can do was just via online… Hopefully I'll get back to it! And will manage it better now as I've known better since I've read a couple of articles abt managing online business like this. Thanks for sharing πŸ˜‰

  7. Getting your target markets attention is hard but thanks to your tips, people who wants their business first in mind will be possible

  8. I wanted to venture into business but I don't think I know enough. And I'm so afraid to take risks, I'd rather just let our savings stay in the bank. I hope God will give us wisdom to put up a business.

  9. I agree with everything you've stated. Those were the methods we've used when I was helping out my mom's start-up business. The methods you aforementioned are actually useful for those bloggers who treat their websites as business too. -Me-An Clemente of

  10. I have tried managing an online shop on Instagram before but it was so hard to maintain it. Instagram is one of the easiest way to promote your business especially when you use the right hashtags and if you have already built a strong foundation. I was not able to continue with my online shop because as you mentioned in this post, I have not really planned my business strategy well. All I thought of that time was to sell my preloved clothes and some brand new stuff. LOL

  11. Yesterday, as I was analyzing and daydreaming, I thought of establishing a business that will get me closer to my dreams. I know I can market it well but my thoughts are how to start and where to get my finances for that. Hmmm

  12. Thanks for this post Cheryl, perfect timing lang cause I'm starting my own business soon

  13. Thanks for sharing this! I'm also considering starting an online shop but is hesitant due to factors like proper financials and if I'll be able to achieve my desired ROI.

  14. Getting ones' business noticed is really a challenge. But thankfully we already have the Internet and social media these days to help. You just also really need to be informed about how to use these tools well.

  15. I agree. I have a small online business and it's doing good πŸ™‚ Thank you for these useful tips I can still use most of them to give my business more exposure πŸ˜‰

  16. I think social media goes hand in hand with word of mouth marketing. Everybody is on FB and other social networks nowadays so it's easier to get the word out about your business.

  17. For days, I have been trying to look for the best possible answer to the question how can I start my own business and how will I get people to notice? Gaaaaah! You’re an answered prayer, Cheryl. Thanks!!! :*


  18. I plan to create my own startup sooner (or later, hehe). I agree advertising is really a must. Social media is very trending nowadays. I usually use Facebook and Instagram to promote something about my blog. I think both are really helpful when promoting products and services too.

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