Last year has been a complicated year for me. Complicated because it made me the happiest person alive but at the same time made me the saddest one. I can’t perfectly explain it, though. But to give you an idea here’s this something I called “Never Give Up”.

My 2016 wasn’t that perfect as everyone thinks it was. Birthday, anniversary! Or the simplest day. And I’m counting. Will there be another moment of 2016 for me? There’s this time in your life that you’d feel that you want something important to happen. Mine is a bit complicated. I wanted 2 things to happen to me last year, unfortunately, it can’t be done together. I need to give up one thing to achieve the other. A bit disappointing though but I believe there’s a right time for each of those. Never give up.

On the other side of the story, something made me realized last year. Not all things that we want and we love are meant for us. I’m not saying that we have to give up on those things but I believe acceptance are much better. Same with those people that we want to keep on our lives. If we’re not meant to be with them, let go. Letting go is not giving up! After all, we only live once so we better live happily.
YES! I live by this: never, ever, ever give up. I also loved the last picture,it’s a great quote.
Lovely read, and yes don’t quit. Allow yourself yo be immune with it, and when you receive your reward, slap it with your head held-up high, because you made it.
Yes, so true: never give up! Keep going! You never know, after all…
This is so inspiring and I couldn’t agree more. You’re not truly living your life if you give up, especially on something you’re passionate about. Great post. 🙂
Christie’s Take on Life. xx
Totally agree. Really loving the quote you put up. Always pushing forward and not giving up.
Wow I really love this. Sometimes its hard to let things go we really wanted and thought we needed. Especially if you worked for it.
Great quote and a great message. Thank you for opening up and being so honest! Don’t ever give up!
Great post, never give up. Things always get better,
Well said. Something so simple can be so powerful and yet so very hard. Thank you!
I agree with you. Never ever give up and thank you for sharing this with us all.
Such inspirational words you’ve shared here. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in the moment that we forget moments don’t last forever.
I agree! Some things we want but they just aren’t for us I guess. Life is hard. It was never promised to us to be easy. We must learn to accept the things we cannot change. I just think that’s some thing we all learn as we continue living.
I can say again, never give up, keep on burning, sometimes it may be shady but if we are persistent eventually we will finish the race, I admire you’re stand on different situations in your life keep it up me friend
I agree that letting go is not giving up. Sometimes, that is the best thing to do. It’s no use holding on to something that is not meant to continue. It will just bring frustration.
I really loved the quote at the end.I was much in need of it. Thanks for sharing
It’s certainly true that moving on from disappointments is a skill worth cultivating z I certainly didn’t/don’t usually get many things I want. Birthday? Forgotten by all my friends. Anniversary? Forgotten by my husband. Life may be a series of disappointments but there are little grains of happiness buried in the long dirt road I suppose!
This is such a great quote to live by and the picture is amazing!
I often have to tell myself this!! You are so right though, it does often feel like a wheel-of-fortune!!! Some days are good, and some are bad…Gotta love what you got, not what you had. Great piece of life advice here though! Thanks for sharing!
Last year was a total bittersweet year for me. There were events that truly made me chronically lonely and there were some that lifted me up. Now, it’s the same. I guess, we must never give up on being optimistic about certain things. Battling loneliness is tough but we must never quit fighting!
yes,sometimes we have to sacrifice one thing to gain another thing.Life is unpredictable.But,it is the challenge to live to the fullest!Never give up!Really inspiring post.
Most of what you said is true! You know what they say, if you think of giving up, remember why you started. But I think this applies to me when it comes to working out. lol But yes, this is a lovely read, and I am glad you have that optimism in you! A big cheers to what future has in store for us!