Using fake nails is one of the easiest ways to follow on nail trends. I believe that some public figures use such especially on photo shoots. There are actually quite a number of ways to apply fake nails, either using nail glue, nail adhesive, or using gel polish with the help of the UV / LED lamp. Since I don’t have the lamp yet, I prefer using nail glue because I don’t think the adhesive can make the attachments longer. I got the idea of using fake nails from a friend last year and because I have short fingers and…

Life is always on a roller coaster ride. Bad things. Good things. It happened. The important thing here is you get to enjoy every ride no matter how bumpy it can be. Earlier this year, I had struggles updating my blog because I hardly had enough time sitting in front of the laptop, typing everything I’d like to share. And whenever I had one, some important personal matters will get in between. And I, as a blogger has had inner conflicts, losing the passion to blog, is one. Do I need validation to continue doing what I started six years…

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